Cook, Robert G. prófessor (f. 1932):
Journeys to Norway (and other foreign parts) in Njáls saga. Sagas and the Norwegian Experience. (1997) 130-138.C
Pope Joan in Iceland. Sjötíu ritgerđir (1977) 138-146.BC
The character of Gunnlaug serpent-tongue. Scandinavian studies 43 (1971) 1-21.B
The Family Sagas and the Bible. The Sixth International Saga Conference 1 (1985) 207-220.B
The historical pattern of Kjalnesinga saga. Sagnaţing (1994) 119-129.BC
The sagas of Icelanders as dramas of the will. Alţjóđlegt fornsagnaţing I (1973) 88-113.