Íslandssaga í greinum Skrá um greinar um íslenska sögu og sagnfrćđi, birtar í tímaritum og öđrum greinasöfnum Ritstjóri Guđmundur Jónsson · Sagnfrćđistofnun Háskóla Íslands
A controversial step. Membership of the EEA. Iceland and European Intergration. On the edge. (2004) 38-49. Ađrir höfundar: Hjalti Ţór Vignisson f. 1978
Life is first and foremost saltfish. Iceland and European Intergration. On the edge. (2004) 67-102. Ađrir höfundar: Hjalti Ţór Vignisson f. 1978
The Euro-sceptical political elite. Iceland and European Intergration. On the edge. (2004) 145-160. Ađrir höfundar: Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson f. 1958
The first steps. Iceland´s policy on European intergration from the foundation of the republic to 1972. Iceland and European Intergration. On the edge. (2004) 21-37. Ađrir höfundar: Hjalti Ţór Vignisson f. 1978
The Skeptical Political. Elite Versus the Pro-European Public. The Case of Iceland. Scandinavian Studies 74:3 (2002) 349-378.
The special relationship between Iceland and the United States of America. Iceland and European Intergration. On the edge. (2004) 103-127. Ađrir höfundar: Hjalti Ţór Vignisson f. 1978